JamVOX on OS X Lion

JamVOX is a wonderful product. It’s a 2-in/2-out USB audio interface and powered monitor with two 3-inch full-range speakers. It’s a great practice tool for guitarist, just plug your guitar, choose your amp and you’re good to go! It’s also a good monitoring system powered only by the USB!

But there is a problem… it doesn’t work on OS X Lion. Why? Because OS X Lion boots to 64bit by default and the included driver doesn’t work with a 64bit system.

So the only solution is to put your system in 32bit mode, just type

sudo systemsetup -setkernelbootarchitecture i386

on your Terminal. Restart and… it works!

edit: They just made a new update that works now with a 64bit OS X Kernel but we had to wait for 5 months, until then, the only way to make your JamVox was to put your system in 32bit mode!

So don’t worry, if you just bought a JamVox and it doesn’t work, just plug it in and update first.